Wednesday, January 30, 2013

you hold the beat of my heart in yours...

I've lost you so many times. I'm not sure I can do it again. the pain is here. the hurt is here. I lay here, sobbing and unable to breathe, realizing I've given you part of my heart that you are throwing away again. I can't do it anymore. I see the pattern I've seen so many times in the short time I've known you. you're moving on. you're slipping away from me. you were never meant to be mine. I fooled myself into thinking we could be friends...lovers. I ignored my instincts and looked past the inconsistencies. I wanted you so very badly...I wanted us. but it was never meant to be. it can't be. and here my heart goes, breaking again. I'll never forget you. I'm hoping for the strength to let you go when you come back to me. you need happiness...and you can't find it with me.

Monday, July 9, 2012