Monday, January 18, 2010

it rained all night long. we'd thought it'd never stop. here in my little room we counted every drop...

I watched you sleeping
quietly in my bed
you don't know this now
but there's some things that need to be said
it's all that I can give
it's more than I can bear
but if I fall and hurt myself
would you know how to fix me
if I forgot who I am
would you please remind me
because without you things go hazy.

"my favorite body part is my heart because it is the only thing I have to give to stormy llewellyn.
furthermore, the beat of it, when I wake each morning, is my first best evidence that I have not, during the night, joined the community of the stubbornly lingering dead."

The Light shine on you.
And the Creator shelter you.
The last embrace of the mother welcome you home.

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