yesterday, this woman asked if I had gone through chemo. I think she was reaching out to me because she had cancer. you would have never been able to tell by looking at her. she had short blonde hair and was eating with her husband and daughter. very beautiful woman. talking to her made her seem even more so because of her outlook on life. she beat cancer. she was alive and you could clearly see how happy she was. how happy her husband and daughter were.
SHE is the reason I have no hair now. I want to experience as much as I can what she is experiencing. I want to be a part of it. I want to show that woman and others like her that they are not alone. I am with them, if no other.
I don't quite know how shaving my head has affected my life as of yet. I've only had a bald head for 8 days now. I think it has made me a tiny bit more confident, now that I've done the craziest thing. :P it is pretty drastic. I kinda want my hair back. :P but I'm okie with it now. it will grow back in its time.
I have more time now that I don't have to fix any hair. yay. time is my money.
uhm what else. I think that's it for now. the last few days have physically and mentally burned me. I'm so worn out. I really live at work now. ah well. hopefully my check will be good. can't wait until I'm not a trainee anymore and I can get my tips. :)
what do people say at work on your head?
sad to hear that you will grow it back :(
everyone loves it. I've gotten "you're a hot sexy mama" to "I want to kiss your head" *which he actually proceeded to do lol* and "can I rub your head?" it's so funny. and it's SO cold. like I would have never realized how much colder I am with no hair. it's crazy.
don't lie. you did it for attention.
why not shave it again after 2 or 3 weeks?
idk anon. :) I think I want to grow it back out now. I wouldn't be opposed to doing it again in a few years maybe...when I get bored again. but for now, I want hair back. :)
how long will you grow your hair?
idk. probably as long or longer than I had it before. like...mid waist.
I feel ya! Wasn't it a great experience?
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